Soften Your Heart

        The heart is the compass of your destination and the leader that leads other of human’s organs. The prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said ”(O people!) Beware! Every king has a Hima and the Hima of Allah on the earth is His illegal (forbidden) things. Beware! There is a piece of flesh in the body if…

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Names Of Allah – Al-Aleem

                Probably what makes pain and sorrow is bearable is the fact that Allah is Al-Aleem on a personal and universal level. What makes you fear Allah more is that He is Al-Aleem. When you intend to commit a sin, understanding the manifestations of Allah’s Name, Al-Aleem can prevent you from committing this sin. When…

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Love Of Worldly Life

love of worldly life                   Islam calls for creating an intellectual balance between this worldly life and seeking Allah’s Pleasure. A Muslim is not asked to hate life nor to abandon its pleasures, but he is asked to utilize its advantages in his path to Allah. He is asked to convert all forms of…

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Maintaining Kinship Ties

              One of the traits that distinguishes the Islamic religion is its call for reform. The Islamic call for reform is based on reforming what needs to be reformed and securing what needs to be secured. These traits are shown greatly in the rules of Islam that are relevant to family in Islam. Allah commanded…

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