Be Attached to Allah
There’s no value to the duniya without a heart attached to Allah. A person turns to Allah when sad, praises him when happy, returns to him when he sins, and is grateful to Him in all cases.
The Virtues of Ayat Al-Kursi | The Verse of the Throne
One day a man came to the Prophet (peace be upon him) & asked:“…What is the most excellent verse of the Quran?…” The Prophet (peace be upon him) replied:
“…Ayat al-Kursi…”
(Abu Dawud)
Read MoreAyatul Kursi
Allâh! Lâ ilâha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He), the Ever Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists. Neither slumber, nor sleep overtake Him. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on earth.
Beautiful story about Allah Ar-Razzaq
A man is absent from his work one day & during that day his boss realises how much work he does, so decides to increase his pay.
On pay day when he receives more money the man doesn’t say anything.
Read MoreFruits of Honesty
If you plant honesty, You will reap trust
If you plant goodness, You will reap friends
Fear of Allah – Taqwa
Taqwa is an Arabic word which is explained as a shield against wrongdoing and further expounded as to be “conscious of Allah” or to have “fear of Allah” or to be “cautiously aware of Allah”.
The Amazing Race to Allah
Imagine three people running a race of equal athletic ability. one with hidden weights attached to their body, one carrying a heavy load on their back, and a third person without any weights or loads running freely.
Allah’s Blessings
Allah ﷻ says:
*اَلَمْ نَجْعَلْ لَّهُ عَينَين*
How we not given him two eyes?
Read MoreIbn Kathir writes in his commentary on Surah Al-Kahf:
Al-Bara reported: A man recited Surah al-Kahf and there was an animal in the house which began acting in a nervous manner. He looked and saw a fog or cloud overhead. He mentioned this to the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, and the Prophet said:
Advice and Wisdom
*1* Do you sometimes feel like everyone is letting you down? The Almighty puts such people in your life to teach you to depend only on Him.