It was narrated by Sa`d bin Abi Waqqas: `Umar bin Al-Khattab asked the permission of Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) to see him while some Quraishi women were sitting with him, talking to him and asking him for more expenses, raising their voices above the voice of Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ). When `Umar asked for the permission to enter, the women quickly put on their veils. Allah’s Apostle allowed him to enter and `Umar came in while Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) was smiling, `Umar said “O Allah’s Apostle! May Allah always keep you smiling.” The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “These women who have been here, roused my wonder, for as soon as they heard your voice, they quickly put on their veils. “`Umar said, “O Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ)! You have more right to be feared by them than I.” Then `Umar addressed the women saying, “O enemies of yourselves! You fear me more than you do Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) ?” They said, “Yes, for you are harsher and sterner than Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ).” Then Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said, “O Ibn Al-Khattab! By Him in Whose Hands my life is! Never does Satan find you going on a way, but he takes another way other than yours.” This is the state of the companion, Sayyiduna Umar bin Al-Khattab who is titled ”Al-Farooq” or the distinguisher by the prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). Sayyiduna Umar bin Al-Khattab spared no effort to advocate Islam starting from his first moments of conversion to Islam till he passed away after 10 years of his succession.
As Sayyiduna Umar showed strength and might while fighting Islam and Muslims, he showed the same but in advocating Muslims and announcing his conversion to Islam. Sayyiduna Umar said Umar (R.A.) said: “I remember that when I became Muslim, there were just thirty-nine men with the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), and I brought the number to forty.” Abdullah Ibn ‘Umar may Allah be pleased with him and his father, narrated the story of his father’s Islam saying: “When, he may Allah be pleased with him, embraced Islam, he enquired: `Which person amongst the tribe of Quraysh conveys news the fastest and spreads rumors the most?` He may Allah be pleased with him was informed that it was a man named Jameel Ibn Ma’mar Al-Jumahi. He may Allah be pleased with him went looking for him, and I followed my father. When he saw him, he asked him: `O Jameel! Do you not know that I have embraced Islam and joined the religion of Muhammad?` Jameel did not even bother asking him to repeat or to confirm what he may Allah be pleased with him had just said, but rather, he immediately got up and set off; my father followed him with me behind him. As soon as Jameel reached the area of the Haram (i.e. the Ka’bah) he shouted at the top of his voice: `O Quraysh! Know that `Umar has become a Saabi (a derogatory term used by Quraysh to describe one who had become a Muslim).’ ‘Umar may Allah be pleased with him shouted from behind: `You lied! I have become a Muslim and testified that none has the right to be worshipped except Allah and that Muhammad is His Slave and Messenger. The Quraysh approached my father, wishing to warn him, so he began fighting them, all, until noon. At that time he was exhausted, so he sat down and said to them: `Do whatever you wish. ` They continued to beat him until an old man from their tribe named ‘Aas Ibn Waa’il came and stopped them.” It was only after `Umar may Allah be pleased with him became Muslim that the Muslims could openly circumambulate the Ka’bah. Indeed Allah granted the Muslims might through his coming to Islam may Allah be pleased with him.
In addition, Sayyiduna Abdullah Ibn Masood (R.A.) said: “We felt a sense of pride when Umar became Muslim, for we could not circumambulate the Holy Mosque and pray, until Umar became Muslim. When he became Muslim, he fought them until they sent us free. Then we prayed and circumambulated the Kaaba.” Also, he said “Umar’s becoming a Muslim was a victory, his migration was help, and his caliphate was a mercy. We could not pray or circumambulate the House until Umar became Muslim. When he became Muslim, he fought the unbelievers until they left us alone and let us pray.” How much we wish if we have a person who is like Sayyiduna Umar who can advocates the rights of the poor, the weak and the oppressed. May Allah revive His Ummah with strong believers.